How to select the best Parts and Accessories for your Aquarium, Wetscape, Pond or Sump Filter
P279B-PIP / P250-HYD RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Filter
BioTower Wet Dry Drip Tray Pipe-B
![Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories](
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![Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories](
![Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories](
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P279B-PIP – Biological Trapping Filter – Biological Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe – “B”
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P279A-PIP / P279B-PIP Combo
Biological Trapping Filter - Biological Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe - "A" and "B"
Drip Tray Assembly and ®BioTower 2-Phase / 3 Stage Bacteria Storage Generators...Sold Separately
![BioTower Aquarium Filter Supply Pipe - "B"](
Biological Trapping Filter - Biological Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe - "B"
In Stock
Package Includes / See Features:
“Biological Trapping Filter – P250-HYD Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe – B“
“Fits: P250-HYD”
“Fits any depth tank, pond, sump, terrarium or hydroponic garden”
“Designed for use with air injection, high and low tide flow control, ®C.O.D. diffusion, ®SkimBob VAC system, elevation frame, and assorted elevation stands”
“Due to fluctuations in production supplies of materials and plastics, the renderings presented are for reference only – we are always trying to maintain exact tint consistancies”…-Nano…
TYPE - I / P250-HYD
Biological Trapping Filter - Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe - B
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry P250-HYD ®BioTower Storage Media Drip Tray Supply Pipe-B… – Patent Pending
Also available for the unit are a Box Bottom Housing, Box Top Cover, Box Bottom Elevation Stand Diffuser ®C.O.D., Type-I Pump, High Flow ®BioSkimmer Body, ®BioSkimmer Lid, Air and Tide Flow Control Valve, Air Tubing, Foam Catch Cup, Foam Catch Cup Lid, Foam Catch Cup Float Level Indicator and Conner’s Bridge Foam Rise Deflector, Elevation Stand-L, Elevation Stand Regular, Elevation Stand Tall, TCI Thermostatic Control Interface, and Interchangeable Flow Control Manifolds... – PROUD TO BE MADE IN THE USA
The unit is available with the following standard and optional features:
- Standard: (P279B-PIP) Series-I, P250-HYD Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe B.
- Standard: (1) Year Factory System Warranty
Additional BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry add-on equipment:
- Optional: (P331-BIO) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower 2-Phase / 3 Stage Bacteria Storage Generators.
- Optional: (P332-BIO) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower 2-Phase / 3 Stage Bacteria Storage Generators.
- Optional: (P333-BIO) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower 2-Phase / 3 Stage Bacteria Storage Generators.
- Optional: (P334-BDT) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Drip Tray.
- Optional: (P335-BMT) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Media Storage Drip Tray.
- Optional: (P336-SPG) Series-I Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Drip Tray Media Carbon Infused Sponge Pre-Filter is being supplied as an alternate substitute.
- Optional: (P337-LOC) Series-I, Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Drip Tray Splash Guard.
- Optional: (P279A-PIP) Series-I, P250-HYD Filter Box Bottom Housing Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Supply Pipe A.
More additional add-on equipment:
- Optional: (P152-PMP) Series-I, Type-I Dual Flow 115 gph x 115 gph, 230 gph total System Pump.
- Optional: (P153-PLG) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep pull Bypass Plug.
- Optional: (P154-PIP) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe Extension.
- Optional: (P155-STR) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe / ®Skimbob Bypass Pipe Extension Strainer.
- Optional: (P156-SPG) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe / ®Skimbob Bypass Pipe Extension Strainer Media Sponge Pre-Filter.
- Optional: (P157-VAC) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing ®SkimBob Bypass Assembly Shallow Pull Vacation Down Pipe Extension.
- Optional: (P158-SKB) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing ®SkimBob Shallow Pull Pipe, Surface Skim Slot Bypass / (Sump) Vacation Assembly.
- Optional: (P160-SPG) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing Media Sponge Pre-Filter, currently a standard media sponge pre-filter is being supplied as an alternate substitute…
- Optional: (P161-CBN) Series-I / Series-III Media Bag Carbon Pre-Filter for Series-I Biofilters and Over Flow Box Filter Box Bottom Housings.
- Optional: (P162-TCI) Series- All / Filter Box Bottom Housing TCI – Thermostatic Control Interface with Dual Touchscreen Read Out Temp/Sal/ORP/Aux Readings.
- Optional: (P164-CBR) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch cup Conner’s Bridge two position Protien Foam Deflector.
- Optional: (P165-EBB) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Body.
- Optional: (P166-EBS) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup.
- Optional: (P167-ECL) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup Lid.
- Optional: (P168-ECI) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup Float Level Indicator.
- Optional: (P174-FCM) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing P171-174-FCM Flow Control Manifolds.
- Optional: (P182-ACV) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Air-In/Out – High/Low Tide Flow Control Valve.
- Optional: (P183-TUB) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing High Flow Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer, ®SkimBob, Air and Tide Flow Control Tubing.
– Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry P250-HYD ®BioTower Storage Media Drip Tray Supply Pipe-B… – Patent Pending
Also available for the unit are a Box Bottom Housing, Box Top Cover, Box Bottom Elevation Stand Diffuser ®C.O.D., Type-I Pump, High Flow ®BioSkimmer Body, ®BioSkimmer Lid, Air and Tide Flow Control Valve, Air Tubing, Foam Catch Cup, Foam Catch Cup Lid, Foam Catch Cup Float Level Indicator and Conner’s Bridge Foam Rise Deflector, Elevation Stand-L, Elevation Stand Regular, Elevation Stand Tall, TCI Thermostatic Control Interface, and Interchangeable Flow Control Manifolds... – Patent Pending
Tested on Fish, Coral and Plants… -Nano
**Lets your ®BioTrap RedTop Filter support outside media for bacteria creation, generation and storage within any aquarium, pond, refugium, sump or tank application such as an aquarium, tide pool, or shallow pond…
Fits: P250-HYD / P350-BTF / P450-BTF Series Box Filters.
®BioTrap – RedTop
Referring to all the embodiments which are made of a hard ABS plastic material, preferably black in color, with certain parts constructed of the same ABS plastic material, but red in color, this with the exception of outsourced parts such as internal electrical parts, motors, pumps, and batteries.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Storage Media P250-HYD Drip Tray Supply Pipe-B… – Patent Pending
Also available for the unit are a Box Bottom Housing, Box Top Cover, Box Bottom Elevation Stand Diffuser ®C.O.D., Type-I Pump, High Flow ®BioSkimmer Body, ®BioSkimmer Lid, Air and Tide Flow Control Valve, Air Tubing, Foam Catch Cup, Foam Catch Cup Lid, Foam Catch Cup Float Level Indicator and Conner’s Bridge Foam Rise Deflector, Elevation Stand-L, Elevation Stand Regular, Elevation Stand Tall, TCI Thermostatic Control Interface, and Interchangeable Flow Control Manifolds... – Patent Pending
The (P279B-PIP) BioPro RedTop Aquatic Bio Filter Box Bottom Trickle Wet/Dry ®BioTower Storage Media Drip Tray Supply Pipe.
Process Data:
®BioTrap – RedTop
We recommend a media rinse out in warm water every month, and a replacement of the media itself every 3 months… – Nano
To remove Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. top cover housing, first lift off the foam collection cup lid with its attached foam collection cup float level indicator and foam collection cup float level indicator ball and set them aside.
Next twist and pull-up simultaneously on Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. bioskimmer foam collection cup, this will unseat it from the top neck of the high flow evaporative bioskimmer – foam generator body and allow for the separation of the box top cover or box top enclosure housing from the box bottom enclosure housing.
At this point, the entire box top enclosure cover/housing can either be lifted off completely and set aside, (this same procedure can be used later for servicing the internals of the unit; but for general maintenance at start-up, the box top enclosure cover/housing can be lifted up and clear of its internals and twisted sideways while stationed on the high flow evaporative bioskimmer’s foam generator body to provide ease of access to the overall workings inside the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. unit without the need to remove it completely.
Next, with the inside of the box bottom enclosure housing accessible, use a slight tug to verify that the high flow bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing is secure in place on the small nipple and air-tube venturi connection which is located midway out on the supply nozzle neck of Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom enclosure dual head system pump with venturi. The unit is supplied with enough bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing so that the box top enclosure cvr/housing can remain openly separated from the box bottom enclosure housing without the need to disconnect the bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing umbilical which ties the two together.
Visually inspect the media carbon pre-filter and the sponge media pre-filter to see that they are seated down low within the front inflow section of Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom enclosure cvr/housing and positioned on the bio-tower generator drip tray supply intake pipe (if present) and also that the bio-tower generator drip tray supply pipe is seated securely.
After clarification, verify that bio-tower two phase, three stage, bacteria storage generators are also seated snugly under the bio-tower generator drip tray supply pipe, bio-tower generator drip tray splash guard, the bio-tower generator drip tray pre-filter, the bio-tower generator drip tray (is present).
Next replace the top cover enclosure housing, this will include its water top off, fill/feed port, high flow evaporative bioskimmer foam collection cup lid with its attached high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator and high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator ball, high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup, the dosing tube, dosing tube seal, dosing tube cap/stand, manual soak feeder attachment, or automatic soak feeder attachment.
As the dual head system pump w/ venturi draws in water, the untreated liquid is drawn in from both the top and bottom of the habitat area’s water column. Firstly, it arrives via the box bottom enclosure housing’s lower box bottom deep pull keyed extension down pipe in-flow slot, where the box bottom deep pull keyed extension down pipe is mounted (if present), and the vac skimbob assembly (if present), and the corresponding deep pull extension down pipe strainer and extension down pipe strainer sponge media pre-filter (if present). (These being bypassed if the box bottom down pipe bypass plug is present, and is used to increases intake water flow at the top surface water skimming slots and Secondly, it arrives via the same sets of top surface water skimming slots.
Referring next to the media sponge pre-filter and the media bag carbon pre-filter where the water is initially screened of detritus and debris before it enters into the pumping system by the down pipe strainer sponge pre-filter and the media bag carbon pre-filter. These processes incorporates both mechanical filtration and chemical filtration as methods for water purification.
Tested true on Fish, Coral and Plants of all kinds… -Nano
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RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Filter BioTower Wet Dry Drip Tray Pipe