How to select the best Parts and Accessories for your Sump Filter or Nano Type Aquarium, Wetscape or Pond
®(BAWPS) - ®BioTrap SeaHorse
Daisy Chain Biologic Aquatic Sock Tower Sump Filters w/
®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry
Series – IV
P900-SMP / P1000-SMP / P1100-SMP
P920-MTB – Seahorse – Sump Filter Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter
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![Aquarium Sump Filter Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter](
Biological Trapping Filter
Seahorse ®BioTower
Wet/Dry Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter
$19.95 / 2 Pack
Please check back soon!!
Package Includes / See Features:
“Biological Trapping Filter – Seahorse – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry – Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter“
“Fits P900-SMP / P1000-SMP / P1100-SMP SeaHorse Sump Filters”
“Fits any depth tank, pond, sump, terrarium or hydroponic garden”
“Designed for use with air injection, high and low tide flow control, ®C.O.D. diffusion, ®SkimBob VAC system, elevation frame, and assorted elevation stands of the BioPro RedTop Biofilters w/ High Flow ®BioSkimmer and ®C.O.D.”
“Due to fluctuations in production supplies of materials, acrylics and plastics, the renderings presented are for reference only – we are always trying to maintain exact tint consistancies”…-Nano…
Seahorse - BioTower Trickle ®BioTower Wet/Dry - Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap SeaHorse Aquatic Sump Filter – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter… – PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA
The unit is available with the following standard and optional features:
- Standard: (P920-MTB) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter.
- Standard: (1) Year Factory System Warranty
Additional add-on equipment:
- Optional: (P149-OAO) Biological Trapping Filter – Type-I, II, III – Two System Pumps Priming On/Off Switch, illiminates cavitation at pump start up.
- Optional: (P1052-PMP) Type-II 290gph System Pump for OFB Configurations.
- Optional: (P2052-PMP) Type-III 528gph System Pump for Multiple OFB Configurations.
- Optional: (P813-DJC) Series-IV P800-DSY SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Multi Unit Expansion Joining Clips.
- Optional: (P823-STF) Series-II/IV P800-DSY SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Sock Tower Slide Frame.
- Optional: (P825-STD) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Sock Tower Slide Frame Sliding Door.
- Optional: (P828-TIB) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Sock Tower Slide Frame Tie-In Box.
- Optional: (P830-SOC) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Sock Tower Slide Frame Micron Sock & Ring Prefilter.
- Optional: (P831-BIO) P831-BIO / P832-BIO / P833-BIO Series-VIII SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry 2-Phase / 3 Stage Biological Media Storage Generators.
- Optional: (P834-BSP) Series-II/IV P800-DSY SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter Sock Tower Bio Media Storage Support Plate.
- Optional: (P835-BFP) Series-II/IV P800-DSY SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Media Storage Quiet Flow Down Plate.
- Optional: (P836-BDT) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Drip Tray.
- Optional: (P837-BSB) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Media Storage Container Drip Tray Box.
- Optional: (P838-SPG) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Drip Tray Media Sponge Prefilter.
- Optional: (P839-LOC) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Drip Tray Splash Guard Lock Plate.
- Optional: (P881-ACF) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter LED Light Hood Front Mounting Clip.
- Optional: (P882-ACB) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter LED Light Hood Back Mounting Clip.
- Optional: (P885-SLH) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter LED Light Hood Fixture Housing.
- Optional: (P886-LTA) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter LED Light Fixture Array.
- Optional: (P890-PIP) Series-II/IV Seahorse Daisy Chain – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump to OFB Over Flow Box Supply Tubing .675″.
- Optional: (P991-CMP) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter to OFB 1.00″ Drain Line-in/out Pipe Clamp.
- Optional: (P892-CLP) Series-II/IV Seahorse Daisy Chain – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump to OFB Pump Head Supply Tubing Clip .675″.
- Optional: (P895-PIP) Series-II/IV Seahorse Daisy Chain – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump to OFB Drain Line Tubing 1.00″.
- Optional: (P918-TRY) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Filter Food Storage Tray. -or-
- Optional: (P1118-TRY) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Filter Food Storage Tray.
- Optional: (P913-BSF) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Bank Slide Frame Media Screen Prefilter.
- Optional: (P921-SPG) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Filter Media Sponge Prefilter.
- Optional: (P940-DPC) Series-IV SeaHorse Sump Filter DPC Doser, Probe, Chiller Cable Harness Organizer Clip-on.
- Optional: (P996-CMP) Series-II/IV SeaHorse Daisy Chain Sump Filter to OFB .75″ Supply Line-in/out Pipe Clamp.
- Optional: (BTF – Bio-Filters w/ C.O.D.) Series-I / P100-BTF / P250-HYD / P350-BTF / P450-BTF Bio Filters w/ High Flow ®BioSkimmer and ®C.O.D..
- Optional: (OFB – Over Flow Box Filters) Series-III / P1200-OFB / P1200-DLX / P1250-OFB / P1250-DLX Over Flow Box Filters.
– Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap SeaHorse Aquatic Sump Filter – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter… – Patent Pending
Overall unit Length: 7.00″
Overall unit Width: 3.00″
Overall Material: Micron Mesh Media Prefilter Tie Bag
Don’t forget the Refugium, Sump Full Array LED Light Fixture or the Refugium, Sump Dual Tube LED Light Fixture with remote control which is available on the series P800-DSY, P900-SMP, P1000-SMP and P1100-SMP tower sump filter models.
There is also the ability to add our patent pending ®BioTower 2-Phase / 3 Stage Biological Storage Generators and also tie-in two independant drains to your OFB over flow box filters.
**Lets your ®BioTrap SeaHorse Storage Media ®BioTower Wet/Dry Trickle Filter clean and purify water during operation. Suitable for any aquarium, pond, refugium, sump or tank application such as an aquarium, tide pool, or shallow pond…
®BioTrap – RedTop
Referring to all the embodiments which are made of a hard ABS plastic material, preferably black in color, with certain parts constructed of the same ABS plastic material, but red in color, this with the exception of semi translucent red acrylic panels and various outsourced parts such as internal electrical parts, motors, pumps, and batteries.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap SeaHorse Aquatic Sump Filter – ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry Sump Mud Bank Media Tie Bag Prefilter… – Patent Pending
Process Data:
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap SeaHorse Daisy Chain High Flow ®Biotower Sump Filter…
The worlds most advanced aquatic filter systems!!
®BioTrap SeaHorse Daisy Chain Single Sock Tower SMP Bio Filter with Micron Media Sock Tower Prefilter, and High Flow ®BioTower Trickle Wet/Dry System”… – Patent Pending
Referring first to all the embodiments which are made of an acrylic or plastic material, preferably red translucent in color, this with the exception of embodiments such as internal electrical parts, motors, pumps and batteries.
Referring next to the B.A.W.P.S. high flow external over flow box filter which is capable of non-stop surface skimming which in turn removes all contaminants from the top layers of the habitat chamber area’s water column before then transferring that used water to the sump interior sock tower assembly which consists of the sump interior sock tower frame rails and sump interior sock tower frame, and the sump interior sock tower frame slide, and the sump interior sock tower frame sliding door, and also the sump interior sock tower frame micron mesh pre-filter sock ring, and the micron mesh pre-filter sock, and the sump interior sock tower frame drain tie-in box for processing and revitalization.
The B.A.W.P.S. multi tower sump filter w/ c.o.d., prevents the normal buildup of harmful contaminants such as algae blooms, nitrates, nitrites, PH imbalances, detritus and biological waste that regularly accumulate in the habitat area and often offset the short term stability of the water quality in the entire system, this aquatic load frequently makes the habitat containment area itself detrimental to the plants and animals that reside in, on or around it.
Once the un-filtered water passes into the intake tower of the sump interior sock tower assembly/(s), the unfiltered water is then coursed through the sump interior sock tower frame micron mesh pre-filter sock ring and micron mesh pre-filter sock/(s). This process incorporates mechanical filtration as a method of water purification.
Here, there is a sump interior sock tower frame sliding door, a removable sliding door that is located at the sump interior sock tower assembly/(s) front, which when removed or raised, allows for the aquaculturist to have full access to the sump interior sock tower frame micron mesh pre-filter sock ring and micron mesh pre-filter sock/(s) for their removal, rinsing and/or replacement.
Now prefiltered, the water flows out through the sump interior sock tower assembly/(s), and the sump interior sock tower door stop/(s), and passes under the sump interior bio media storage generator drip tray splash guard lock plate before it then enters the holding area provided atop the sump interior bio media storage generator drip tray. (An optional sump interior bio media storage generator drip tray pre-filter carbon infused sponge can be placed here and can add additional chemical filtration to the system.)
When accumulated in the fronts or the sump interior bio media storage generator drip tray, the prefiltered water quickly begins gravity dripping through its array of tapered dispersion holes which creates a continuous trickle effect upon the top surface of the bio-weave of the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators’ inner tubular mesh, or any alternate media being stored in the optional bio media storage generator drip tray container box.
During saturation, the upper levels of the inner tubular mesh on the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators and immediately begins to convert any animal or plant load within its air/water mix saturation column into a slowly growing air/water type bacteria culture which remains in place and grows as it adheres to every surface of the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators’ inner upper, tubular mesh walls.
Here, in this area, the bacteria culture begins to balance and offset the overall system waste load, (more load, more bacteria – less load, less bacteria), and the bacteria culture continues to accumulate and grow as it feeds on the its increased waste load from the introduction of additional inhabitants. This process incorporates biological filtration as a method of water purification.
After traversing through the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators’ upper levels, the lower levels of the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators’ inner lower, tubular mesh walls and becomes saturated with water and begins to retain, though in a gravity suspension submersion state (or soaking) environment, an additional batch of living bacteria culture which stays fully cloaked and submerged in water all of the time during the cycling process.
This type of living bacteria unlike the first, doesn’t thrive as well in an air/water mixed environment but instead, it may be referred to as an under-gravel type-based bacteria. This new bacteria culture then converts any animal or plant waste or load within its own solid water column of inner tubular mesh into additional submerged water-based bacteria cultures which then also grow and feed on the leftovers of any waste load that has not yet been consumed by the upper level’s air/water cultured bacteria, (again the living culture base will expand and contract to match the current load requirements). This process also incorporates biological filtration as a method of water purification. Hence, the (BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System with over flow box filters, bioskimmer, and c.o.d. was created.
Since these types of bacteria cultures naturally build up and accrue on bacteria storage surface layers over time, a standard quantity of bio-balls or sponge-like media substrate or “block” which is normally held stationary (as to not cause the bacteria to let free itself from the biomass substrate or surfaces that it has bonded to and contaminate the entire system) and stored within a single chamber/sump, it will eventually deplete its own effectiveness and efficiency over an extended period of time, (usually six months to a year). At this point, most systems that exist on the market will require for the biologic material to be removed, replaced and/or, all its adhesion surfaces cleaned.
Unfortunately, this “cycling” affect or “bacteria build time” requires months to take place. Once established, currently designed biologic filter systems do not allow for the aquaculturist to touch, move or even clean in any way these accumulated and cultured biomass surfaces after the initial live bacteria load cultivation process has begun.
After a time, these types of generic systems that utilize more primitive forms of biological filtration will eventually, and often do in fact, collapse under their own bacteria load. And shortly thereafter, if the older created or already existing dead and dying biomass bacteria cultures which are older and located under the newer top living layers of bacteria have not been removed, the water quality in the main habitat containment area will be forced into a “spiked” or “heavy load” state which will stress and often kill all of the inhabitants which are exposed to it.
Therefore, it is for this reason that the B.A.W.P.S. multi tower sump filter w/ c.o.d., comes with three sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators already installed in place.
Sets of three or more of the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators makes it possible for the aquaculturist to now remove one of the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators at a timed interval (every three months) and then clean it (heavy rinsing), or replace it, before then re-inserting it back into its original position within the B.A.W.P.S. multi tower sump filter w/ c.o.d. filter system.
This process of continuously rotating and cleaning the sump interior biotower two stage / three-phase bacteria storage generators assures that no individual section of the trapped biomass culture ever grows old or becomes fully cycled, nor does it have a chance to accumulate too many of the consecutive surface layers of decaying biological buildup over time which will cause a major decline in the overall system’s water quality.
Amazingly, the B.A.W.P.S. multi tower sump filter w/ c.o.d. system is the first and only processing system on the market that offers the aquaculturist the ability to not spend time “cycling” their systems during initial set up.
The B.A.W.P.S. multi tower sump filter w/ c.o.d., prevents any spike load from occurring in the first place. From the moment it is turned on, there is no longer the need to purchase or add costly add-on products for “cycling” to the system and then waiting a nail biting full month to see if your newly arrived prized first fish survives.
This type of filtration is considered state of the art and systems with c.o.d. are completely “cycle-less” which is something that up to this point has been entirely unavailable to any consumer. An aquaculturist can now add as many additional plants and animals as he or she likes to the habitat area on day one, and their additional load will be compensated for by the bioskimmer, biotower, and c.o.d. system until initial bacteria load “cycle” is achieved… – Nano
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“P800-SMP holds (2 OFB) units – P900-SMP holds (2 OFB) units – P1000-SMP holds up to (4 OFB) units – P1100-SMP holds up to (6 OFB) units”
RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Sump Filter Parts and Accessories