How to select the best Parts and Accessories for your Aquarium, Wetscape, Pond or Sump Filter
P151-HSG / P150-BTF RedTop BioTrap Nano Sea
Aquarium Bio Filter Box Bottom Housing
P150-BTF / P151-HSG
Biological Trapping Filter – Box Bottom Filter Housing w/ Top Surface Skim Slots / ®BioSkimmer and Soak Feed Chamber / Includes Box Bottom Bypass Plug…
Package Includes / See Features:
“P151-HSG BioTrap Bio Filter Box Bottom w/ High Flow Protein ®BioSkimmer internal chamber and ®C.O.D Process Water Transfer Ports”
“Hang on the wall or stand freely”
“Hang Support Slide w/ 6 position cable harness”
“Fits any depth tank, pond, sump, terrarium or hydroponic garden”
“Built-in submerged cyclonic soak feeding system” – “Optional manual or electronic soak feeder assembly clip-on available“
“Designed for use with air injection, high and low tide flow control, ®C.O.D. diffusion, ®SkimBob VAC system, elevation frame, and assorted elevation stands”
“Both top water surface skimming and bottom pull skimming simultaneously”
“Cyclonic Water Top-off/Fill & Feed Chamber”
“Deep pull pipe Bypass Plug”
** Optional Deep Pull Extension Pipe, Deep Pull Extension Pipe Strainer, Deep Pull Extension Pipe Strainer media Pre-Filter Sponge, and both an in-box Media Sponge Pre-Filter and a in-box Media Carbon Bag Pre-Filter are available as well as a full set of (4) different Flow Control Manifolds – sold separately…
*** TCI Thermostatic Control Interface and ®SkimBob Vacation Assembly – sold seperately **
** Minimum water depth requirement without Vacation ®SkimBob 6.5″ – sold separately **
** With ®SkimBob – 1″ minimum water level **
“Due to fluctuations in production supplies of materials and plastics, the renderings presented are for reference only – we are always trying to maintain exact tint consistancies”…-Nano…
Biological Trapping Filter - Box Bottom Filter Housing w/ Top Surface Skim Slots / ®BioSkimmer and Soak Feed Chamber
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Housing with Cyclonic Soak Feeding Chamber and Submerged Soak Feeding Chamber Front Food Release Port, Top Surface Skimming Slots, Wall Hang Slide with 6 Station Cable Harness, Internal Sump Pump Chamber and Internal ®C.O.D. processed water Diffusion Transfer Ports – Patent pending
The unit is available with the following standard and optional features:
- Standard: (P151-HSG) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing w/ Water Top-Off/Fill, Feed Port and Submerged Cyclonic Feed Chamber.
- Standard: (P153-PLG) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep pull Bypass Plug.
- Standard: (1) Year Factory System Warranty
Additional add-on equipment:
- Optional: (P152-PMP) Series-I, Type-I Dual Flow 115 gph x 115 gph, 230 gph total System Pump.
- Optional: (P154-PIP) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe Extension.
- Optional: (P155-STR) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe / ®Skimbob Bypass Pipe Extension Strainer.
- Optional: (P156-SPG) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Deep Pull Down Pipe / ®Skimbob Bypass Pipe Extension Strainer Media Sponge Pre-Filter.
- Optional: (P157-VAC) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing ®SkimBob Bypass Assembly Shallow Pull Vacation Down Pipe Extension.
- Optional: (P158-SKB) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing ®SkimBob Shallow Pull Pipe, Surface Skim Slot Bypass / (Sump) Vacation Assembly.
- Optional: (P160-SPG) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing Media Sponge Pre-Filter, currently a standard media sponge pre-filter is being supplied as an alternate substitute…
- Optional: (P161-CBN) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing Media Carbon Bag Pre-Filter, currently a standard media bag carbon pellet pre-filter is being supplied as an alternate substitute…
- Optional: (P162-TCI) Series- All / Filter Box Bottom Housing TCI – Thermostatic Control Interface with Dual Touchscreen Read Out Temp/Sal/ORP/Aux Readings.
- Optional: (P164-CBR) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch cup Conner’s Bridge two position Protien Foam Deflector.
- Optional: (P165-EBB) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Body.
- Optional: (P166-ECC) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup.
- Optional: (P167-ECL) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup Lid.
- Optional: (P168-ECI) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Catch Cup Float Level Indicator.
- Optional: (P174-FCM) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing P171-174-FCM Flow Control Manifolds.
- Optional: (P180-CVR) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing Top Cover w/ Logo, Water Top-Off/Fill, Feed and Manual Soak feeder Port.
- Optional: (P182-ACV) Series-I / Easy Clean Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer Air-In/Out – High/Low Tide Flow Control Valve.
- Optional: (P183-TUB) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing High Flow Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer, ®SkimBob, Air and Tide Flow Control Tubing.
- Optional: (P185-DAT) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing High Flow Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer, Drip/Stream Dosing Tube Body.
- Optional: (P186-DAS) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing High Flow Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer, Drip/Stream Dosing Tube Body Seal.
- Optional: (P187-DAC) Series-I / Series-III / Filter Box Bottom Housing High Flow Evaporative Protein ®BioSkimmer, Drip/Stream Dosing Tube Cap/Stand.
- Optional: (P215-C.O.D.) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand w/ Compressed Oxygen Diffusion Cups and Cyclonic Food/Water Transfer Chamber.
- Optional: (P220-STL) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand-L w/ Cyclonic Food/Water Transfer Chamber.
- Optional: (P123-SSC) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand Stabilization Suction Cup.
- Optional: (P225-STR) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand Regular.
- Optional: (P123-SSC) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand Stabilization Suction Cup.
- Optional: (P230-STT) Series-I / P100-BTF Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand Tall.
- Optional: (P123-SSC) Series-I / Filter Box Bottom Housing Elevation Stand Stabilization Suction Cup.
– Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Housing with High Flow Evaporative ®BioSkimmer Chamber, Cyclonic Soak Feeding Chamber and Submerged Soak Feeding Chamber Front Food Release Port, Top Surface Skimming Slots, Wall Hang Slide with 6 Station Cable Harness, Internal Sump Chamber and Internal ®C.O.D. processed water Diffusion Transfer Ports – PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA.
Also available for the unit are a Top Cover Housing, Elevation Frame Diffuser w/ ®C.O.D., Type-I Pump, High Flow ®BioSkimmer Body, ®BioSkimmer Lid, Air and Tide Flow Control Valve, Air Tubing, Foam Catch Cup, Foam Catch Cup Lid, Foam Catch Cup Float Level Indicator and Conner’s Bridge Foam Rise Deflector, Elevation Stand-L, Elevation Stand Regular, Elevation Stand Tall, TCI Thermostatic Control Interface, and Interchangeable Flow Control Manifolds... – Patent Pending
The (P151-HSG) BioPro RedTop Aquatic Bio Filter Box Bottom Housing.
Min distance from house wall to rear of tank, required clearance for the Filter Slide and Cable Harness: 1.5″
In-Tank width of unit side to side: 7.00″
Overall unit height: 4.50″
From tank top rim down overall depth: 3.75″
From hang in-tank down overall under the water surface submersion depth: 3.00″
Internal tank depth of unit from front to back slide: 3.75″
Overall unit depth from front of unit to back of external slide: 5.00″
Fits: P150-BTF – Series Biological Trappng Filters w/ ®C.O.D…
®BioTrap – RedTop
Referring to all the embodiments which are made of a hard ABS plastic material, preferably black in color, with certain parts constructed of the same ABS plastic material, but red in color, this with the exception of outsourced parts such as internal electrical parts, motors, pumps, and batteries.
®(BAWPS) – Biologic Aquatic Water Purification System – TM
®(C.O.D.) – Naturally occurring “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” – TM
(BTF) – ®BioTrap Filter – TM
The ®(BAWPS) ®BioTrap RedTop Aquarium Filter – Easy Clean Box Bottom Housing with Cyclonic Soak Feeding Chamber and Submerged Soak Feeding Chamber Front Food Release Port, Top Surface Skimming Slots, Wall Hang Slide with 6 Station Cable Harness, Internal Sump Pump Chamber and Internal ®C.O.D. processed water Diffusion Transfer Ports – Patent pending
Process Data:
®BioTrap – RedTop
Referring first to all the embodiments which are made of a hard ABS plastic material, preferably black in color, with certain parts constructed of the same ABS plastic material, but red in color, this with the exception of such things as internal electrical parts, motors, pumps, and batteries.
Before securing the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D., in a suitable location which provides access to the main tank/habitat chamber containment area, pond, sump, or aquarium, (usually at the water’s edge), on a stand, bracket, or by hanging the specifically designed unit over the top back wall, or top side wall using its self-leveling edge/wall slide, and elevation stand stabilization cups self-leveling support tabs which provide balance and stability while the self-leveling edge/wall slide keeps the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. automatically level on any sized rim, tank or edge wall, or free standing the unit on one of its box frame elevation stand/(s) with hide and play zones, and remove the top cover housing, this will include its manual fill port, the high flow bioskimmer’s foam collection cup lid with its attached foam collection cup float level indicator and foam collection cup float level indicator ball, the foam collection cup, the dosing tube if present, dosing tube cap seal, dosing tube cap/stand, and manual soak feeder attachment if present, or automatic soak feeder attachment.
To remove Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. top cover housing, first lift off the foam collection cup lid with its attached foam collection cup float level indicator and foam collection cup float level indicator ball and set them aside.
Next twist and pull-up simultaneously on Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. bioskimmer foam collection cup, this will unseat it from the top neck of the high flow evaporative bioskimmer – foam generator body and allow for the separation of the box top cover or box top enclosure housing from the box bottom enclosure housing.
At this point, the entire box top enclosure cover/housing can either be lifted off completely and set aside, (this same procedure can be used later for servicing the internals of the unit; but for general maintenance at start-up, the box top enclosure cover/housing can be lifted up and clear of its internals and twisted sideways while stationed on the high flow evaporative bioskimmer’s foam generator body to provide ease of access to the overall workings inside the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. unit without the need to remove it completely.
Next, with the inside of the box bottom enclosure housing accessible, use a slight tug to verify that the high flow bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing is secure in place on the small nipple and air-tube venturi connection which is located midway out on the supply nozzle neck of Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom enclosure dual head system pump with venturi. The unit is supplied with enough bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing so that the box top enclosure cvr/housing can remain openly separated from the box bottom enclosure housing without the need to disconnect the bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing umbilical which ties the two together.
Visually inspect the media carbon pre-filter and the sponge media pre-filter to see that they are seated down low within the front inflow section of Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom enclosure cvr/housing and positioned on the bio-tower generator drip tray supply intake pipe (if present) and also that the bio-tower generator drip tray supply pipe is seated securely.
After clarification, verify that bio-tower two phase, three stage, bacteria storage generators are also seated snugly under the bio-tower generator drip tray supply pipe, bio-tower generator drip tray splash guard, the bio-tower generator drip tray pre-filter, the bio-tower generator drip tray (is present).
Next replace the top cover enclosure housing, this will include its water top off, fill/feed port, high flow evaporative bioskimmer foam collection cup lid with its attached high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator and high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator ball, high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup, the dosing tube, dosing tube seal, dosing tube cap/stand, manual soak feeder attachment, or automatic soak feeder attachment.
Referring next to the overall Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. and high flow bioskimmer, place the assembled unit so that it sits levelly on the inside of the habitat chamber area front inflow slots and residing seventy-percent submerged within the habitat’s upper water column while the unit faces forward so that the in-flow skimmed surface water of the habitat area can enter into the unit freely through the in-flow skim surface water slots and initial water processing can begin to take place.
To prime the system, plug it in and switch on the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. and high flow bioskimmer. Turn the box top high flow cyclonic bioskimmer/skimbob/tidal air control valve knob which is mounted on bioskimmer foam collection cup lid and ties into bioskimmer/skimbob air injection tubing counter-clockwise to the open position so that the valve is no longer seated.
Next, listen for the priming sound of the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. evaporative high flow bioskimmer, (a silent hum here signifies a pump impeller cavitation is taking place); if impeller cavitation is evident, power on and off the unit to achieve full air release from the evaporative high flow bioskimmer body and the sound of water agitation is present this completes final priming.
Full priming of the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. can be confirmed by removing the bioskimmer foam collection cup lid with its attached bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator and bioskimmer foam collection cup float level indicator ball, and peering down through the center of the high flow evaporative bioskimmer body foam collection cup to view inside the high flow bioskimmer internal neck. When primed properly, a steady flow of oxygenated bubbles will be seen rapidly crossing over the evaporative high flow bioskimmer’s first internal staging chamber.
As the dual head system pump w/ venturi draws in water, the untreated liquid is drawn in from both the top and bottom of the habitat area’s water column. Firstly, it arrives via the box bottom enclosure housing’s lower box bottom deep pull keyed extension down pipe in-flow slot, where the box bottom deep pull keyed extension down pipe is mounted (if present), and the vac skimbob assembly (if present), and the corresponding deep pull extension down pipe strainer and extension down pipe strainer sponge media pre-filter (if present). (These being bypassed if the box bottom down pipe bypass plug is present, and is used to increases intake water flow at the top surface water skimming slots and Secondly, it arrives via the same sets of top surface water skimming slots.
Referring next to the media sponge pre-filter and the media bag carbon pre-filter where the water is initially screened of detritus and debris before it enters into the pumping system by the down pipe strainer sponge pre-filter and the media bag carbon pre-filter. These processes incorporates both mechanical filtration and chemical filtration as methods for water purification.
Once pre-filtered and treated with carbon, the water flows from the dual head system pump with venturi supply head and which is located low in the box bottom enclosure housing and is delivered (via the biotower generator drip tray supply pipe) up and over to it’s connection atop the biotower generator drip tray supply pipe splash guard before it then enters into the holding area provided within the biotower generator drip tray body. Here, the biotower generator drip tray media carbon infused pre-filter resides and adds some additional chemical filtration to the water purification process prior to it finally passing the water through to the specifically designed stream/trickle drip hole patterns of the biotower generator drip tray (if present).
When water accumulates in the the biotower generator drip tray, the pre-filtered water quickly begins gravity dripping and creates a continuous trickle effect upon the biotower top surface patterning of the biotower’s “bio-weave” which also fills the inner body of the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators with the same inner tubular mesh.
During saturation, the upper levels of the inner tubular mesh on the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators immediately begins to convert any animal or plant load within it’s “air/water mix” saturation column into a slowly growing “air/water type bacteria culture”. This remains in place and increases in mass as it adheres to every surface of the biotower’s inner upper tubular walls.
Here, in this area, the bacteria culture begins to balance the system, (more load, more bacteria – less load, less bacteria), and the bacteria culture continues to accumulate as it feeds on the growing waste load produced with the introduction of additional inhabitants. This process incorporates biological filtration as a method of water purification.
After traversing through the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generator’s upper levels, the lower levels of the Biotowers’ same inner tubular mesh becomes saturated with water and begins to retain, though in a gravity suspension submersion state (or soaking) environment, an additional batch of live bacteria culture which stays fully cloaked and submerged in water all of the time.
This type of living bacteria though similar in nature to the first, doesn’t thrive as well in an “air/water mixed” environment but instead, it may be referred to as an “under-gravel” or “sub-plate” type-based bacteria. This new bacteria culture then also helps convert any animal or plant load within its own solid water column of inner tubular mesh into additional submerged water-based bacteria cultures. These then grow and spread as they feed on the leftovers of any waste load that has not yet been consumed by the upper level’s “air/water mix” of cultured bacteria, (again the living culture-base expands and contracts to current load requirements). This process also incorporates biological filtration as a method of water purification. Hence, the (BAWPS) – biologic aquatic water purification system was created.
Since these types of bacteria cultures naturally build up and accrue on the surface layers their provided with over time, this is why a standard quantity of bio-balls or sponge-like media substrate or “bio-block” which is held stationary (as to not cause the bacteria to let free itself from the biomass substrate or surfaces that it has bonded to cannot be moved or it may contaminate the entire system).
Stored within a single chamber/sump, current substrates for bio mass generation will eventually deplete their own efficiency over an extended period of time, (usually six months to a year), and at this point, most existing biologic systems on the market will require the accumulated bacteria cultures to be moved or removed from the system.
Unfortunately, this “cycling” affect or “bacteria build” requires months to take place. Once the biomass is established, currently designed biological filter systems do not allow for the aquaculturist to touch, move or even clean in any way, the cultured biomass surfaces created after the initial live bacteria load cultivation process has begun.
After a time, these types of generic systems which utilize more primitive forms of biological filtration will eventually, and in fact do, collapse under their own bacteria load. And shortly thereafter, if the older created or already existing dead and dying biomass cultures which are located under the newer top living layers of bacteria have not been removed, the water quality in the main habitat area will be forced into a “spiked” or “heavy load” state which will stress and often kill all of the inhabitants which are exposed to it.
Therefore, it is for this reason that the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. and high flow cyclonic bioskimmer comes with three separate biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators positioned already in place. (when present)
Sets of three or more biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators makes it possible for the aquaculturist to now remove one of the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generator at a timed interval (every 90 days) and then clean it (heavy rinsing), or replace it, before then re-inserting it back into it’s original position within the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom enclosure housing.
This process of continuously rotating and cleaning the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators assures that no individual section of the trapped biomass culture ever grows old or becomes fully cycled, (this renders the system “cycleless”), nor does it have a chance to accumulate too many of the consecutive surface layers of dead biological buildup over time which will cause a major decline in the overall system’s stability and water quality.
Here, there is the option of switching out the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators with the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. bio media storage drip tray, which can hold any preferred alternate bio media substrate material for its use in bacteria generation and storage.
Amazingly, the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. and high flow cyclonic bioskimmer is the first and only stand alone aquatic processing filter system on the market that offers the aquaculturist the ability to avoid spending up front time “pre-cycling” their systems at start up.
The Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. and high flow cyclonic bioskimmer prevents any initial spike load from occurring in the first place. From the moment it is turned on, there is no longer the need to purchase or add costly products for “pre-cycling” to the system and then enduring a nail biting full month or longer to see if your newly arrived prized first fish will survive during the cycling process.
This type of filtration is considered state of the art, and systems with C.O.D. are completely “cycle-less” which is something that up to this point has been unavailable to the average consumer. An aquaculturist can now add as many additional plants and animals as he or she likes to the habitat containment area on day one of start up, and the additional load the additional plants and animals create will be completely compensated for by the (BAWPS) C.O.D. system until initial “bacteria load” or “pre-cycle” is achieved.
Referring next to the water’s arrival past the biotower two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators, the freshly pre-filtered and biologically processed water is then passed down through to the box bottom enclosure housing where it passes through and arrives within the separately attached Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. box bottom elevation stand with c.o.d. diffuser, where it provides “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” to the system on a cotrolled basis.
At the same time, air is also being sent from the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. dual head system pump with venturi supply head, (this eliminates the need to purchase a separate external air pump to supply air to the system (or high flow cyclonic bioskimmer). though here the addition of an external air pump can be connected to the flow control valve air intake auxiliary connection to supercharge the system.
Next the newly created “air/water mix” of agitated diffusion travels past the inflow nozzle of the pump head and fills the inner chamber before the water is then rapidly injected into the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer’s cyclonic-inner-chamber-tube partition.
In this inner chamber, the “air/water mix” is spun rapidly in a circular fashion as it rises up and continuously fills the cyclonic chamber to the top. There are small holes which are located at the lower portion of the inner cyclonic chamber of the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer’s bottom section which provide a pathway for some of this highly oxygenated water to bypass the inner cyclonic bio-chamber completely and ease the overall system back-pressure as the flow of water enters the units outer most chamber.
Upon accumulating in the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer’s cyclonic-inner-chamber-tube portion, the proteins gathered up from the habitat chamber by the c.o.d. process are cycloned to the top. As a result, the high flow c.o.d. infusion flow begins piling up and slowing, the fusion mix is seemingly scrubbed clean while oxygen and protein molecules separate from the water column molecules and increase to create a rising white foam affect.
The rising foam created from the c.o.d. and bioskimming process then rises higher and higher until it breaches the top of the Series-I Box Filter w/ C.O.D. cyclonic high flow bioskimmer tube-neck, with the rising protein based foam waist created then emerging out and over from the tube-neck to then finally spill over into and begin accumulating in, the body of the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup. (Here there is also the optional cyclonic high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup conner’s bridge which can be affixed to the inner neck of cyclonic high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup inner neck and redirect the protein foam growth generated sideways to prevent any potential heavy load increase or spike induced rise of foam waste from ever reaching the inside top of the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer foam collection cup lid.
As the accumulation of protein foam gathers in the cyclonic bioskimmer’s easy clean cup, it begins to breakdown and liquefy. As the liquification process continues, the cyclonic bioskimmer easy clean cup begins to fill up with liquid which in turn raises the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer collection cup float level indicator and the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer float level indicator ball assembly which rises up through the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer collection cup lid to indicate the current level of the internal cup’s fill.
When filled, the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer collection cup can be removed, the accrued protein paste and wastewater residing within emptied, and the cup then rinsed out before its re-installation back into its original position atop the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer’s tube neck.
While the air injection and cyclonic protein skimming process are taking place in the inner chamber of the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer, a likewise process is taking place as the spillover of mixed protein and oxygen water fusion clears the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer inner chamber wall and rapidly fills the unit’s outer chamber.
Here, the larger bubbles which accumulate are displaced away from the rising upper foam mix. These larger bubbles are then drawn down and away from the high flow bioskimmer outer chamber along with the newly processed and skimmed inner and outer chamber water via weep holes that are situated at the base of the cyclonic high flow bioskimmer exterior chamber wall.
This “air/water mix” is then passed through the multiple ports in the box bottom enclosure housing where they crash into the box bottom elevation stand with c.o.d.’s diffuser cup receptors. The c.o.d. diffuser cup receptors use the naturally occurring compression that this action generates to cultivate and disperse minute oxygen bubbles which are small enough to remain submerged as they travel out from the box bottom elevation stand w/ c.o.d. and are subtly released within the natural outflow of the underwater currents that the system generates. From here, the c.o.d. or “Compressed Oxygen Diffusion” mist begins to saturate and impregnate the entire water column of the habitat chamber area being treated.
As the “compressed oxygen diffusion” of tiny bubbles saturates the entire containment area, they act like magnets and adhere invisibly to nearly any minute proteins which are present. Waste, detritus, leftover food particles, and algae blooms, are all repeatedly paired together while the newly formed oxygen/protein mix, (or spike load), is then slowly and continuously floated up higher into the water column of the habitat area. Once in the vicinity, the load is gathered up and siphoned into Fig. 1 biological trapping box filter with c.o.d. and high flow bioskimmer for processing, this systematic removal of accumulating contaminants and harmful protein waist continues twenty-four-seven and incorporates mechanical filtration as a method of water purification.
Once accumulated, the ultra fine mist of the c.o.d. system rapidly converts the entire habitat area’s water column into what’s known as a “protein soaking chamber”, this allows the saturation of fine bubbles to have the additional time necessary to gather and adhere to ever greater loads of unwanted particles before then transferring them also higher up and into the water column where they are gathered by Fig. 1 biological trapping box filter with c.o.d. and cyclonic high flow bioskimmer for their introduction into the bioskimming system.
The process of c.o.d. is currently the only way available to aquaculturist which provides a completely “cycle-less” environment for aquatic system habitats. With the use of c.o.d., no start-up additives are ever needed, the c.o.d. on its own generates a highly oxygenated overall habitat environment which aids all types of aquatic plants and animals in their natural absorption of oxygen and thus creates a healthier, more colorful and livelier aquatic habitation for the aquaculturist and their families to enjoy.
Incorporating naturally occurring c.o.d. in any aquatic habitat insures the long term stability of that aquatic environment while at the same time, by removing contaminants, proteins, and algae blooms continuously. The treated system overall requires less cleaning, maintenance and repeated water changes. The bioskimming process of Fig. 1 biological trapping box filter with c.o.d. and high flow cyclonic bioskimmer incorporates mechanical filtration as a method for water purification.
Referring back to the bottom body area of the box bottom elevation stand with c.o.d. diffuser, the newly treated water being forwarded from biostack two stage – three phase bacteria storage generators and cyclonic high flow bioskimmer are combined as they pass through box bottom enclosure c.o.d. supply ports before then entering the box bottom elevation stand with c.o.d.’s upper diffuser cup receptors, are then compressed, and then become discharged out from the bottom of the box bottom elevation stand with c.o.d. and are sent into the main habitat area where they are re-circulated again and again. The larger and excess oxygen bubbles are diverted out from the system via assorted box bottom enclosure bubble trap vents.
RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Bio Filter Box Bottom Housing