How to select the perfect Parts and Accessories for your Aquarium, Wetscape, Pond or Sump Filter

P157-VAC / RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Bio Filter
SkimBob Vac Pipe

Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories
How to set up a low maintenance aquarium
Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories
Biological Trapping RedTop Biofilter Parts and Accessories
How to set up a low maintenance aquarium

158A-SKB ®SkimBob Mini / P158B-SKB ®SkimBob Regular

P157-VAC / 158A/B-SKB / P183-TUB – Biological Trapping Filter – High Flow Evaporative Protien ®BioSkimmer Deep or Shallow Pull ®SkimBob Extension Vac Pipe, ®SkimBob Vacation Top Water Surface Filter “Over-Flow Slot/Cornerbox” Bypass Surface-Skimming Float.

Fits: P100-BTF / P150-BTF / P250-HYD / P350-BTF / P450-BTF

“I Love this Product!” – it also fits on any standard powerhead w/ Venturi valve for top surface skimming with or without a filter unit”. The ®SkimBob will also run in as little as (2″) of water depth for the “sumpers” who do not like to add water for extended periods of time due to evaporation. The ®SkimBob will allow your box filter to stand/hang completely out of the water and still function perfectly while in bypass mode. In sump apps, the sump pump will likely run out of water depth long before the ®SkimBob does. (finally total freedom)… -Nano

SkimBob Surface Skimmers
®SkimBob Mini
(0-30 gallon rated)
Aquarium Filter Bypass Surface Skimming Float
P157-VAC / P183-TUB /
P158A-SKB / P158B-SKB
SkimBob Surface Skimmers
®SkimBob Regular
(0-60 gallon rated)

(P158A-SKB & P183-TUB)

In Stock


(P158B-SKB & P183-TUB)

In Stock


®SkimBob Mini/Vac Pipe
(all 3 pieces)

In Stock

Aquarium Filter Lighting and Accessories

®SkimBob Regular/Vac Pipe
(all 3 pieces)

In Stock

BioTrap Cycle-less Aquarium Filter for Fish and Coral
Biological Trapping Aquarium Filter
Fits all:<br Series-I
P100-450-BTF Biofilters
and any
Powerhead with venturi valve
**sold separately...
BioTrap Cycle-less Aquarium Filter System for Fish and Coral with Submerged Fish Feeder and Protein Bio-skimmer

Package Includes / See Features:

 Biological Trapping Filter – Box Bottom High Flow Evaporative ®BioSkimmer ®SkimBob Shallow or Deep Pull Extension Bypass Assembly

“Fits P100-BTF / P150-BTF / P250-HYD / P350-BTF / P450-BTF Biofilter Box Bottoms”

“Fits any depth tank, pond, sump, terrarium or hydroponic garden”

“Designed for use with air injection, high and low tide flow control, ®C.O.D. diffusion, ®SkimBob VAC system, elevation frame, and assorted elevation stands”

“Due to fluctuations in production supplies of materials and plastics, the renderings presented are for reference only – we are always trying to maintain exact tint consistancies”…-Nano

P157-VAC / P158-SKB / P183-TUB
Biological Trapping Filter - Shallow or Deep Pull VAC Pipe Extension / Vacation ®SkimBob / ®SkimBob Air Line

BioTrap Cycle-less Aquarium Filters with Submerged Soak Fish Feeder and Protein Skimmer
Series - I
P100-BTF / P150-BTF / P250-HYD / P350-BTF / P450-BTF
P150-BTF-S1-S1 RedTop BioTrap Nano Sea Biological Filter
Series - I
Style - I
BioTrap Cycle-less Aquarium Filter for Fish and Coral with Submerged Fish Feeder and Protein Skimmer
Biological Trapping Aquarium Filter
Series - I
Style - III
BAWPS RedTop CoralMate Filter Display Stands for Sump Pond and Aquariums
P150-BTF-S1-S1 RedTop BioTrap Nano Sea Biological Filter
BAWPS RedTop CoralMate Filter Display Stands for Sump Pond and Aquariums
BAWPS RedTop Over Flow Box Filters for Aquariums
The ®(BAWPS) Family of Biological Filters and Accessories...

RedTop BioTrap Aquarium Bio Filter SkimBob Vac Pipe

The best aquarium filter, aquarium bio filter, aquarium cod filter, filter with protein skimmer, bioskimmer, sump filter, wet dry filter, refugium filter, or low maintenance filter.